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I made this drawing inspired by the song "LUNA" by Oneus , i hopr ToMoon likes it ♥

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A little late, but i uploaded them on tw ( @mumayii) , i'm a kingmaker ,i love kingdom so much , on its first anniversary i decided to do a little fan art 

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  Hearty like a retro imagen from the 80's ( according to my imagination 😅) 

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Happy Valentines day! This is a drawing of Merry and Momo, they both touched the same flower. Its a small fan art of image i found on pinterst, more info, Its my twitter @mumayii

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Merry in a tiger suit! 

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We officially start the lunar year! It was tiger's turn to visit the emperor!, i couldn't help but draw this little tiger! In fact, i liked the drawing so much that i used them to make my little 😅😂

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