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A very special drawing: Sink Into Sadness

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It's been a while--

Since I haven't written, in fact I am very sorry for the delay, especially the changes in social networks that I have been making in the last month of March... since February I have had complications with the Wi-Fi, so I only had data that I had to take good care of.

That plus other activities that I have had to attend to, I have not been able to accommodate my time adequately. but here I am again, with another very specialized blog fact I wanted to talk a lot about this drawing.

I have been drawing for four years now, in which I have learned a lot through just practice and many videos from YouTube artists whom I call my teachers, because in a certain way their experience and technique helps me. to continue growing...and obviously I really like the process of my drawings for which I have a special sentimentality with each of my drawings, but this one in particular is very special to me for two strong reasons.

  1. because it was my first drawing when at that exact moment I was filled with anguish and sadness that I felt at that imminent moment.
  2. because it was the first time that I drew a humanoid figure for the first time without making so many mistakes and looking halfway decent in the final process….

I still remember exactly why I drew in that state, normally I don't usually draw in that state because I definitely feel like I'm fading at that moment and the ideas don't flow for me to be able to draw, but at that moment I was anguished, desperate, desolate and very sad ….all due to carelessness on my part when taking care of my mother's puppy, she had accidentally swallowed a sponge, and then I entered a state of mixed feelings….and I desperately wanted to implement it into something, so I used the drawing as a way to express how I felt in that moment of despair.

or by the way, the puppy is fine, she threw up the sponge the next day, but during that particular day, I think I spent cursing myself more than I normally do...the drawing I made was my therapy to calm those feelings, however I think that I did a great job in particular expressing my feelings.

but what impacted me the most was the fact that I decided to draw a humanoid figure there...I guess you can call it an attempt at chibi, but the female character is walking in the water in the middle of a lonely and abandoned forest.

In some way, I feel that I drew myself indirectly, although I felt that I had to draw a human character so that the feelings I wanted to show and express could be understood... all this happened in February, so yes, since February I wanted to write this blog entry. but I didn't have wifi and I didn't feel like it at that time.

But now I'm a little more coordinated and I have wifi...for now.

but after this very significant drawing for me, I made the decision to start drawing chibis, for the first time and let me tell you, they are the cutest things I have seen in a long time... I made chibis of my favorite artists for the occasion of a birthday celebration. and to my surprise, they turned out much better than I imagined and I am happy because for me personally, it is an achievement that I did not think would reach that point... it is a shame that I cannot publish it because my own policies do not allow it, as they are Personal gifts for them I want more privacy. but maybe in the not too distant future I can share my drawings with more drawings of them here, currently I am focusing on drawing chibi poses and thus mastering the figure of a chibi, good luck to me

Now regarding the change of social networks again...yes, well I was active on theards for quite a while and I actually felt comfortable, but the algorithm didn't make me feel safe about what was happening on my home, I decided just get away from theards. And instead I replaced it with bluesky, same social network as Twitter, and I really like it a lot, it's more selective and I feel safe at the moment so you can follow me on bluesky if you want, my username is, and I would only upload drawings there...very soon I will have a YouTube channel to upload my timelapses of my most special and difficult drawings, this to store my drawings and free up space in my drawing program because it already exceeds the memory of my phone a lot...hehe... .

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