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I always thought that getting to this point would be like a utopia that I couldn't afford .... but I'm here and I did this, it's still hard for me to digest, if the self of 4 years ago existed I would say That this is not his, but if it is..... I'm happy to see small advances in my art in these 3 years that I've been drawing, I know that nobody is a fan of my work but I'm happy for myself And that is the most important At the end of everything 🖤💗


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I made a series of drawings based on how i felf in those moments ...and since i wanted to be free.... Remember that freedom changes from the perspectivas of the person, for me, especially It is synonymous with being able to fly and transcend into the Sky ... I hope there Will be more series of drawings like this in the future.... What i liked the most about this series of drawings was the colors, since i feel that i achieved my goal well...

Serie; "freedom" : 

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