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Goodbye2023, i won't miss you😃

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 This year has made an abymal difference for me...there have been many changes, disappointments... In short it was the cruelest year i have had in almost a decade ...i really hope that 2024 is full of blessings for me and for all those souls like me, who went to the edge of The madnness of frustation...we could  have a year of rest, joy and good works ✨ 

This is my last drawing for year, this year i have not been able to draw as i wanted due to my stress, but i hope that next year i will have the inspiration to continue drawing, the little good that i can rescue from this year is the fact that i feel proud of  my artistic side since i have surpassed myself un severeal things , despiste the pain, anger, anxiety and despair , i managed to more forward..i really hope that 2024 my year, i think that i deserve it, we al to be protagonist , to have a moment un which The script is on our side...i wish that 2024 is like this for everyone. 

Ps. There wil be changes here, like the fact that i will tell more things...the time has come where i need to be more active and  see my other faceta as a poeta ir simply commenting on my daily life beyond just my drawing, anyway, happy new year 2024, year of the metal dragón, its time to let out our inner dragon🐲🐉

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