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a new beginning, peace 🕊️💫

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Hello!!, I'm here reporting again, I know I've been absent for several months, but I definitely want to be more active this year... I really hope to meet my goal, so I don't know if I would have said it before (I forget everything very easily, sorry), but I have changes to make here on my blog, not only do I plan to upload my drawings with my silly explanations, I also want to write about other things, such as: stories of my life...(which are not the great adventures, but I consider it interesting to write thoughts that are not problematic, on the contrary, that are for enrichment and a different point of view for the other person behind the screen), talking about hobbies, etc. I would say publish poems or upload one of my novel writings or short stories here, but really…hm…I don't know, I feel that I like theads a lot to publish short poems and my drawings without lengthening my explanations or anecdotes…on the other hand, I don't know. Yes, I feel emotionally ready to publish my short story stories here, beyond my project this year based on my favorite musical group... but this last one I feel like I'm still struggling with where to fit it because I don't feel comfortable publishing it on my blog ….hmmm I keep thinking about this, so possibly I think I will have to look for other platforms and alternatives, I hope to find a solution that suits me…. I think this is the first time or the second that I speak in a more fluid way and without being so “robotic” hehe, sorry. I made this drawing in these first weeks of January, and I just wanted to express the peace that we should all have. I think the last few years have been terrible pain for everyone, including me, with a lot of movement and not having rest, I wanted to convey in this drawing a lot of the peace and tranquility that we deserve. embrace peace, embrace tranquility. It was the first time I drew hands, I had to rely a lot on many references of hands, but I think it turned out perfect, I remember that my brother told me that the drawing conveyed a lot of tranquility, I hope that it is like that for everyone and not only remains in my brother's tastes haha peace to all, amen.

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