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a new advance ✨🌜

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 I've been away for I think about a month, I've been drawing and overcoming my laziness...but, I think I've unlocked new skills in the process, I feel pretty happy about that, but at the same time I was in a bit of a dilemma, I didn't know If it would be ideal to upload this drawing or just leave it for me, so decide to simply upload this drawing on my blog and not on my social networks.

As you can see, it is my first drawing with characters, this one in particular is me, the truth is I surprised myself with this result because I didn't think it was going to turn out well, but I am quite surprised and I must say that I like the result, according to me My family says that the character looks very much like me, so I think it's my first self-portrait, I like how he uses new brushes and looks for ways to retouch the drawing... I like it.

Although I am aware that I need to improve poses and distance, I am already trying to learn more, but more than rules to follow, I feel that it is experience that makes me remember the rules of drawing, so I think I will continue drawing characters.

On the other hand, I have been drawing things that I wanted to draw since I think I am catching up with my desires to draw.

Also at this point I feel that “my style” has been evolving, now everything is more perhaps with a more magical atmosphere than before, that's nice, but I want to learn other styles and maybe by mixing something new will come out, but this will take much longer time, although the results of these 4 years of drawing already make me feel drawing as something simple, although it never is.

For this month of July I want to make more drawings related to summer and that kind of thing, is it something new, or well not, I'm already used to drawing the sea, but let's see what comes out drawing, thanks for reading!!♡

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